Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunday Drive!

After working on the baby's room some more and running errands this weekend, Michol and I took a nice Sunday drive with the pups for some frozen yogurt at this new place in town called 16 Handles.

Friday night was spent having a nice dinner in Saratoga at Chianti with our friends Kate and Bryah. It was great to just hang out and relax after a rough work week.

Monday, April 11, 2011


This was the weekend of Surprises for us! On Saturday we went up to the Glens Falls for a dinner & movie outing with the Kickboxing crew. We saw "Lincoln Lawyer" while eating some good food. We stopped at one of our friend's house on the way home and were surprised with a cake and gift from the group. We got a nice Glider Chair and Ottoman for the baby's room. 

The other surprise came on Sunday when we visited Mom and Dad Merriman. They have been working really hard on renovating their kitchen over the last month and what a change! I will try to post some pictures in the near future, once all the final touch-ups are complete. Beautiful guys!