Monday, October 14, 2013

Another Lefty?

We have been working with Mallory on using a fork and have finally had success! This really comes in handy especially when she is eating food that is messy :) In the above video, she is enjoying some hot dogs and mac & cheese while watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She was a little distracted with her favorite show but still made the attempt to stab the food without looking. We normally do not have the TV on when she is eating and we try to all eat in the dining room, but last night was an exception.

For breakfast this morning, she wolfed down her pancakes....but at least did it with the fork!

Definitely a lefty...just like her Daddy :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Pillow & Blanket

For those who don't know, Mallory has always slept in her crib without any pillow or blanket. Oddly enough, she has slept through mostly every single night since we started putting her to bed at 7. She has always been a superb sleeper. Just a couple of weeks ago, we hung up a blanket on the side of her crib and she immediately took it off the rail and began sleeping with it. Seeing how quickly she adapted to the blanket, we decided to add a pillow which Aunt Duffy made for her. Here's what she did with it the first night we put it in the crib...sorry for the video quality: