Sunday, November 30, 2014

Pigtails on the Merriman Tales

Finally!!!! We have pigtails! Mallory, out of the blue, said she "wanted 2 ponytails" before she could change her mind, Michol fixed up her hair and we crossed our fingers in hope that she would want to keep them in. For those who don't know, Mallory is very particular about putting things in her hair. She has become a lot more tolerant over the years, even allowing a single ponytail over the summer, but we never thought she would want pigtails...she looks so grown up now!

Pups checking out the new hair style...

Checking out the tree

Up to no good...
Hmmm....what's that?

Does this ornament come off the tree?
Watching Charlie Brown's Christmas

As you probably can tell by the pictures above, we decided to put up the Christmas tree up this past weekend. Maybe it was the nice little snow storm we got on Wednesday that got us in the holiday spirit :)

Putting the tree up and watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

The Merriman Christmas Tree 2014

Backyard is ready for the Pups!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Snow White and the 2 Boxers....

For this year's Halloween festivities, Mallory was dressed up as Snow White. We bought the costume online and had no idea if she would even want to wear it but gave it a shot. A few weeks before Halloween we took the costume out and Mallory actually wanted to put it on right away. I decided to grab the camera in case this was the only time she would put it on.

First time wearing costume

During the days leading up to Halloween, we would ask Mallory if she wanted to try her costume on and if she wanted to be Snow White for Halloween. Each time we asked, we received a big "No!". So the on the day before Halloween there was a party at the school. Michol picked Mallory up and took her to Grandma and Grandpa's house to have a quick bite and hopefully put her costume on. To our surprise, Mallory put the costume on with no problem! She actually seemed excited to have it on. All that worry for nothing! :)

I'm here!

On Halloween day, the school had a parade and lunch party which Michol and I were able to attend. The teachers and parents had a "trunk and treat" set up in the parking lot. Mallory had such a fun time going from car to car and getting lots of treats. After the parade, we went back to her classroom and had lunch. Unfortunately we couldn't stay very long since we had to get back to work.

At night, we went to Nana and Papa's for some pictures and treats. We had a great time hanging out and watching Mallory check her Halloween treats. We brought a pumpkin with us from home and attempted to "decorate" it with some fun accessories.