Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Spring Fever!

We're back! Took a little hiatus from the blog world but the Merriman Tales is back and ready to share our 2015 adventures. After a long winter that didn't seem to want to let go, we finally had a couple of warm sunny weekends. We couldn't wait to get Mallory out in the yard and to the parks to get some of that energy out of her system. We even put her to work in the yard to help clean up the lawn!

When we weren't playing in the yard, we took a couple of trips over to a nearby park that we hadn't been to before. Mallory had a ball and really enjoyed the roundabout. There were a couple of girls on the roundabout that were gracious enough to let her on and join in. When they were done, Mallory gave each of them a leaf as a thank you for sharing the ride.

Back at the house, Mallory discovered her new favorite place to play...I'll give you a hint, it is the same place that two 80lb boxers like to hang out.


Next post may not be the most uplifting since Mallory will be having her tonsils and adenoids removed. Fun times!!!!