Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ten Fingers and Ten Toes!

Full Body

Hands and Head


Arms Crossed

We had another Doctor's appointment this afternoon for an ultrasound screening and everything checked out great. The Doctor said everything looks normal and ok at 13.5 weeks. We were amazed at the rapid development of the baby since the last ultrasound was taken at 10 weeks. We were able to see hands and feet moving around right away. After moving around for a few minutes, the baby appeared to take a nap. We also saw the spine, ribs, heart, brain, and facial structure...truly amazing! We believe the next ultrasound will determine the sex of the baby! Stay tuned...


  1. How exciting!! Sweet little baby!!

  2. I love it!!!!! Can't wait until you guys find out the sex of the baby!!! This is super super exciting!!!!


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