Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all had a great and safe holiday weekend. Michol and I changed things up this year and had early morning gifts with the Astriab's, then headed over to the Merriman's for a great brunch, split up for dinner, and then met back up for dessert at the Astriab's. This holiday, unfortunately, seemed to be the year for "ailments" as Mom and Dad Merriman were both recovering from colds, many Astriab relatives were battling colds, Michol was feeling the grind of the holidays, and I was dealing with an apparent 24 hour bug (body aches with a nice headache) .

Other than that, it was great to spend time with family and see everyone. Michol and I got some nice presents from the family that will help with the arrival of the baby. Speaking of baby, on Saturday, Michol was 17 weeks. The size of the baby, according to the experts, is that of an onion (about 5 inches long).

I also would like to point out that this Christmas was the first for Mom and Dad Merriman as Retirees! Congratulations Mom and Dad...time to finally relax and never think about work again!

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