Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads! We woke up and went for a walk around the neighborhood. Mallory was really good most of the way until we were heading back about 1/4 of a mile from the house and the crying started. Somebody needed to eat! While Michol fed Mallory, I ran out and did the grocery shopping...with coupons might I add. The weather was perfect, so I decided to cut the lawn and let the pups run around the yard most of the afternoon while Michol and Mallory relaxed on the deck. All in all, it was a great first Father's's to many more!

As we head into our second week of parenthood, things are getting better each day. Feeding has proven to be a challenge, but with the help and advice of our friends, we are definitely feeling better about things compared to the first week. Michol is doing a great job of keeping Mallory healthy and nourished! We have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday, so it will be interesting to see how much Mallory has grown since last week. Unfortunately, I return back to work on Thursday so I am going to miss being at the house and helping Michol out when I can.

Here are some pictures from the week. I am working on getting some videos as well...stay tuned:

1st Father's Day on the Deck

Mallory taking a nap on her bouncy chair on the deck.

Oscar checking Mallory out while Laila gets comfortable.

Laila loves her sister

Sitting on the boppy pillow at Grandma/Grandpa Merriman's

Relaxing at Grandma/Grandpa Merriman's


1 comment:

  1. She is more beautiful every day!! Love the last pic with Laila. :-) Hope you had a wonderful first Father's Day!


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