Friday, August 3, 2012

First Steps...

Sorry for the lack of posts lately...It's hard to believe we are already in August. Where does the time go? Well, since our last update, Mallory has been getting closer and closer to walking on her own. Right now she takes about 3-4 steps without assistance and then drops for the crawl. This "transition period" from crawling to walking is proving to be a challenge for us since she really does not want to be held for very long but at the same time she is not able to walk wherever she wants when we are outside of the house. The good side of this is that she does like to walk while you hold her hand and she is able to cover a lot more distance. Only a matter of time before she is off and running on her own!

In addition to the walking, Mallory is getting more and more teeth. She has the top and bottom front set and the back corners are already coming through. She certainly likes to test the teeth out on her Mom :) Luckily this emergence of teeth has not affected her sleeping patterns. She is still sleeping through the night and lately has not wanted to get up in the morning. We're so lucky...

Finally, with all this hot weather we've been having, Mallory had a chance to get her first experience in the "big" pool at the Astriabs. It was not for very long, but Michol took her in (with the assistance of cousin Jeannette) and she seemed to like bits and pieces of it. I think she prefers to play in her kiddy pool and water table for now.

1 comment:

  1. This post was worth the wait! What a big girl!! xoxo


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