Monday, April 9, 2012

My 1st Easter

We couldn't have asked for a better Easter weekend for Mallory. The weather was perfect and we were able to spend quality time with the family. We had pictures at iSmile (in Colonie Center) on Saturday and for the most part it went well. The studio was mobbed but we wound up getting in and out pretty fast. Mallory managed a few good shots until she was placed on the Easter Bunny's lap and completely lost it. I'll be posting a few pictures soon.

We woke up Sunday and went to Church with the Merrimans. All in all, Mallory did extremely well during the hour long service and managed to not pull all the hair out of Michol and Grandma Merriman's heads. After the service, we went to Pizzeria Uno for lunch. Mallory also got some nice Easter treats from Grandma and Grandpa Merriman.

Lunch at Pizzeria Uno

After lunch, we went to the Astriabs for a great dinner and even better dessert. Mallory got some more Easter surprises from the family. It was great that most of the family was there so she was able to get some face time before she crashed for the night.

Out Cold!

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