Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring Fever!

While waiting for the next heat wave to arrive, we have been keeping Mallory busy these last couple of weeks. It's hard to believe that in only a few short months, she will be 1. At her last Dr's appointment, she weighed in at 22lbs 13 oz (93rd percentile) and is 30 3/4" long (97th percentile). The doc also cleared her to start eating different foods. Her first "big girl" meal consisted of some chopped up pasta and shredded cheese.

Although she is yet to take her first steps, you can see her inching closer to this next milestone. Let's just hope we have the video camera in hand when this happens!

Here is what we have been up to these last couple of weeks:

At the Crossings with the Merrimans. Swinging away!

Check out my new hat....or should I say chapeau!

Eating pasta and cheese for the first time...not sure if she actually liked it or not:

Test driving the new Baby Jogger City Mini stroller:

Playing at a friend's birthday party (in the Children's Museum at Saratoga):

Coming soon.....Easter Pics!

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